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Our Expertise

DTL Financial Services can provide a wide range
of financial related services. Some of the more
common services are described below.
Contact us for a FREE quote!
Personal Tax

DTL Financial Services has the expertise to complete both basic personal tax returns as well as more complicated returns (including small business rental properrties, stock trading, etc.).


In addition to preparing the return, we will file your return online and provide a detailed walkthrough of the final tax return. As well, we will recommend tax planning strategies to minimize future tax implications.



Business Consulting

Whether you are a new business or a long-term business looking forways to create efficiences and increase profit, DTL can help you obtain your goals!


DTL Financial Services can help you create a business plan, apply for grants, perform financial analysis and cost accounting. We can recommend various cost saving, revenue generating and tax saving strategies to maximize profits.



Corporate Tax

DTL Financial Services can complete small business corporate tax returns. All returns are filed online.


Before tax returns are filed, we will provide a detiled walkthough of the return. As well, we will recommend tax planning stratgies to minimize future tax impications.


In addition, DTL Financial Services will ensure that clients are taking advantage of all types of wite-offs available for their type of business.

Financial Coaching

DTL Financial Services can help you create a plan to obtain both your short term and long term financial goals.


We will work together to identify various milestones that you would like to accomplish over the course of your life. DTL Financial services will then analyse your current financial situation and create various short term and long term objectives and strategies in order to reach all of your goals.




DTL Financial Services uses the latest technology and is constantly on the lookout for new ways to help small businesses. Our strategies are simple, everyday solutions to make your job easier. We are excited to help you achieve your goals.









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